Building Resilience & Preventing Burnout


Late nights, early mornings, endless email, consistent meetings and the idea that the longer you work and the harder you push yourself, the more successful you’ll become. Unfortunately, this hyper-busy work culture is ubiquitous and one that many of us are a part of. As a matter of fact, according to a study done by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 4 employees cite their profession as being the most stressful thing in their lives. Whether you consider your employer as the main cause of your stress, or there’s another reason that you’re feeling overwhelmed, becoming burned out is a real risk with real consequences.

Burnout is the process of becoming physically and emotionally exhausted in some aspect of your life. It can manifest in low-level depression, anxiety, frustration, and lack of motivation. The feeling of being pulled in numerous directions is exhausting and can make you feel like all areas of your life are suffering. You can take steps to preventing burnout by building up resistance and fostering a healthy mindset so you can handle stress in a positive way.

Ways to build resilience and prevent burnout

Unplug: Try to spend at least one hour before bed not using your phone or a computer. Removing yourself from devices, even if it’s for a short while, can clear your mind and make it easier to get a restful nights sleep.

Set realistic boundaries: Will all productivity at work come to a screeching halt if you don’t answer emails on Sunday evening? Probably not. If you’re in the position to do so, set boundaries for yourself and your coworkers. By simply telling your coworkers that you won’t be available at a certain time outside of work can set a precedent that will encourage others to do the same.

Work on your mindset: Your mindset is a muscle that needs to be worked on, just like any other. Having a positive mindset will help you better tackle stress and prevent your daily life from becoming too overwhelming.

Don’t multitask: Despite feeling like multitasking is effective, it actually makes you significantly less efficient. If possible, try focusing on one task at a time. If your mind wanders while you’re doing a task, simply write a reminder to yourself to revisit that thought when you’re finished with your current job.

Confer with a professional: Preventing burnout and building resilience are skills that truly take some time to acquire. If you’re feeling stressed, overworked or anxious and need help working through these feelings, talking to a therapist is a great way to feel better. A therapist can provide you with proven methods of how to become more resilient while providing the accountability to help you achieve your goals.

In order to have a long, successful career, preventing burnout is an incredibly important skill to possess. Weather your resilience comes from setting boundaries or from thoughtful work from your therapist, the results will be the same: success and long-term health for you and your family.

Counselling Burnaby Vancouver, Via Counselling & Consulting. Burnaby Counsellor Shari Wood, M.Ed., R.C.C. dedicated to helping clients begin their personal therapeutic journey. A Clinical Counsellor, specializing in helping people overcome self-doubt and build healthy relationships.